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Why chose Sapera?


Read more about Sapera as an accounting system as well as where our story starts. You can also contact us here.

About us


Read more about Sapera as an accounting system and where our story begins. You can also find our contact information.


Sapera is the best solution for your industry! 

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Read more about Sapera as an accounting system and where our story begins. You can also find our contact information.



Read more about Sapera as an accounting system and where our story begins. You can also find our contact information.

Sapera... det perfekte system til brancher.

Cloud Retail Systems’ Sapera bliver brugt af mange butikker rundt omkring i Danmark – som alle har deres helt egne specifikke behov. Nedenfor kan du se, hvilke brancher der kører med Sapera her i dag.

Jewelry industry

Kasse og lagersystem til smykkehandlere. Wugi wugi bugi bugi. Sunshine… sunshine reggae. Don’t worry. Don’t hurry. Take it easyyyy. Sunshine… sunshine reggae. Kontakt os i

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Clothing industry

Tøjbranchen Tøjbranchen Anderkendt af branchen Vores brancheløsning til tøjbutikker er udviklet til at hjælpe dig med at holde styr på dine salgs og dine kunder.

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Radio | TV

//Brancher Kære butiksejer – Hvorfor skal du bruge sapera? a Vores løsning er udviklet til at hjælpe dig med at holde styr på hele din forretning

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Mashine dealers

Machine dealers Recognized by the industry Our industry solution for machine dealers is developed to help you keep track of your sales orders, your workshop,

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Chain solution

An ERP system specially designed for chain stores “We have been using Sapera for about a year now, and I am very pleased with the

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Specialtilpasset finanssystem, kunde-kommunikationsflows, produkthistorik, ordrestyring, betalingsreservation m.m. Se de mange spændende funktioner.

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//Industries Dear store owner – Why should you use Sapera? Our solution is developed to help you keep track of your inventory and vehicles through

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En IT-løsning til hårde hvidevarebutikker. Designet til at forbedre effektiviteten og øge lønsomheden med smarte finans-, ordre-, lager-, kasse- og webshop-moduler.

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Forrest | Park

Skræddersyede IT-systemer til optimering af lager- og ordrestyring, økonomi- og POS-systemer samt opgaver for værksted og udkørende medarbejdere.

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Bike dealers

The Bicycle Industry Cycling Industry Recommended by the industry association Danish Bicycle Retailers Trin for trin til en skræddersyet omni-channel løsning Our industry solution for

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